Tag Time – Motherhood Worldwide

10 04 2009

Bethany tagged me for this one and at first I thought what a cool idea it was so I jumped at the chance. Essentially, it’s not only a meme about the best parts of motherhood, but also a chance to see just how far this meme can travel around the world. I still think it’s a cool idea, but then it ocurred to me that, really, I don’t know many mom bloggers outside of the US so perhaps I should have passed the tag on to someone more worldly than myself. In any case, here are the five things I love most about being a mom.

1. Baby necks. Unquestionably my favorite part of the baby. I even like the sour milk smell (but not so much the neck cheez).

2. My sanity. I’m unclear exactly what the connection is, but there was a very definite change in my heart and mind after I birthed my daughter. It’s led me to this place where I can think clearly and create emotional growth within myself. Before I had children, I was an angry, confused person and very frustrated with having to live in that place. I thank God the Universe woke me up to become the person – and therefore, the mother – I am today.

3. Halloween candy. Jellybeans at Springtime. Yes I steal from my kids. They don’t need candy, anyway. And I DO.

4. Homeschooling. Sometimes I am tired. Sometimes I am irritated. Sometimes I am unsure or afraid. But, ultimately, there is joy. I adore my kids and love spending my days with them. I love going on field trips with them, showing them things about the world, teaching them. I cannot even fathom what life would be like if we had chosen school instead, and I am just so very happy with where I am in my life right now.

5. Hilarity. Kids are just frickin’ funny. You’ve seen the TV shows, you know this. They keep me in stitches all.day.long.

And tagged:
Ana and Laurel because they live in another country.
Lorien because she travels a lot and, from time to time, lives in other countries.
Anna because she spent last summer in Mexico and will again this year.
And Jess because she lives just about as far from me as possible without leaving the Continental US.

Bethany was kind enough to ask my permission before she tagged me. I’m nowhere near that organized in my life, so I hope I’m not breaking blog ettiquette (I am pretty clueless most of the time) but if you don’t want the tag, just let me know and I will pass it off to someone else who hopefully lives somewhere far-ish.



One response

11 04 2009
Her Bad Mother

BABY NECKS. *Totally* agree.

Thanks so much for joining in!

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